GHEDI - 30/04/2008
On 30th April 2008 at Ghedi AFB – ITALY there was a reunion (raduno) of the 102° Gruppo which today is the O.C.U. Squadron for the Italian Air Force Tornados. For this event a Tornado (MM 7080 – 6-33) was special painted with big squadron insignia on the tail.
That aircraft, flown by Magg. Matera and Ten.Col. Palmieri, together with other 4 Tornados, made some great and powerful passes above the 102° Gruppo shelters with the appreciation of all people attending the reunion and of the photographers.
Aviation-Shots wants to thank the Ten. Col, Michele Palmieri, chief of the 102° Gruppo, and all the pilots and personell from the 102° for the great support received.
Un sentito ringraziamento al Ten. Col. Michele Palmieri, comandante del 102° Gruppo, e a tutti i piloti ed il personale del 102° per il supporto ricevuto nella realizzazione del presente report.
Pictures & Report by Simone Ba