DECIMOMANNU - 01-18.04.2008
Spring Flag is the principal air exercise organized annually by the Italian Air Force on the Italian territory. To the exercise participate, in addition to other national and international Armed Forces, also other Italian institutions involved in the security sector such as Foreign Affair Ministry and Italian Red Cross. The Spring Flag is also an opportunity to exchange experiences with foreign Armed Forces, in particular with NATO military Air Forces.
The aim of the exercise, organized and conducted by the Air Force Operational Command (COFA) in Poggio Renatico (Ferrara), is to verify the capability of the Italian Air Force to build a block air operations, train and prepare it to operate with necessary service support in order to conduct missions efficiently also far away from national borders.
In this complex exercise environment, COFA develops command and control actions in a typical operation of multinational and joint scenarios for peace support.
The Spring Flag will be held from 1st till 18th April 2008 with the establishment of:
– a Joint Force Air Component Command (JFACC), activated at Poggio Renatico – Ferrara, place of the Air Force Operational Command (COFA);
– a Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in Bari Palese;
– a Deployable Operating Base (DOB) at Decimomannu air base for the assets composing “coalition party”;
– a Deployable Operating Base (DOB) at Trapani for the assets composing “opfor party”. (Source: Aeronautica Militare Italiana)
Here is a picture report of 2008 Spring Flag Exercise from Decimomannu Air Base in Sardinia (Italy), taken from 7th to 9th April 2008. In Decimomannu were deployed aircraft from Italian Air Force (Tornado, Eurofighter, AMX, G222) as well as Greek and Turkish F-16s, Spanish EF-18s and German Tornado.
Aviation-Shots wants to thank the Italian Air Force Press Information Officers at MOC (Media Operation Center) at Decimomannu for the great support received.
Un sentito ringraziamento all’Aeronautica Militare Italiana e a tutto lo staff del MOC (Media Operation Center) a Decimmannu per il grande supporto ricevuto nella realizzazione del presente report.
Pictures & Report by Simone Ba