MANCHING - 19.06.2007
From 14 to 28 june 2007 in Germany took place a big exercise called ELITE (Electronic Warfare Live Training Exercise). Seven German air bases were involved in this exercise plus the Heuberg range, as well as air bases in France (Avord and Nancy) and Switzerland (Dubendorf) . We were given the chance to visit Ingolstadt-Manching Air Base and Lechfeld Air Base during the exercise on 19 and 20 June . The participants at ELITE came from 17 different nations + NATO, operating aircrafts mostly from the 2 air bases we visited.
ELITE 2007 participants deployed at Manching – Germany: 4 Learjet GDF; 2 DA-20 FRA; 5 F/A-18 Swiss Air Force; 1 F-5 Swiss Air Force
ELITE 2007 participants deployed at Lechfeld – Germany: 8+5 Tornado ECR (Luftwaffe & AMI); 3 Mig-21 Romanian Air Force; 3 F-16C & D (Hellenic A.F.); 4 F-16C & D(Turkish A.F.); 2 F-4E (Turkish A.F.); 3 SU-22(Polish A.F.); 4 Tornado Gr.4 (R.A.F.); 2 DA-20 Norwegian A. F.
Every year this important Electronic Warfare Exercise becomes bigger and bigger with more participants from different nations and the interest showed by other nations present as observers gives the idea that its success will attract more participants in the near future.
We would like to thank all the German Luftwaffe Media staff and in particoular Maj. Knoblach for the assistance and cooperation in making this report and pictures.
Pictures & Report by Simone Ba