
On 16-17 June 2006 at Leeuwarden AFB (The Netherlands) took place a big airshow with the partecipation of many European Air Forces as well as the US NAVY world famous demo team BLUE ANGELS.

Here is the picture report including the Czhech Mi-24V, the Spanish F/A-18, The USAF F-15E Strike Eagle, the ASAS de Portugal, the Patrouille de France, the Patrouille Suisse, the F-16 demo team from Belgium and from Holland.

You can also find  the Friday unique flypast of the Blue angels and the Red Arrows together…dedicated to the 60th birthday of the US Navy Blue Angels!!

Blue skies (on saturday) and a great oragnization made this airshow one of the best of the 2006 season!! Enjoy!


Pictures & Report by Simone Ba

2005-2009, 2006, Pictures & Reports