Simone Ba was born in Verona (Italy) in 1974 and took his first aviation picture when he was just 8, during a visit at the local Air Base at Villafranca-Verona when Italian Air Force 3° Stormo was flying the F-104. His passion for military aircrafts and for the aviation world in general was also generated by the Italian team Frecce Tricolori, which he had the opportunity to see and admire since the early school years when a school mate (the nephew of a Frecce pilot) showed him a tape with the acrobatic display of the team.
Since those years his love for photography together with the love for aircrafts increased constantly since 1998 when he decided to start visiting air bases and local airshows and to try to capture with his film-camera the action of the fighters performances.
From the year 2001 he started to publish some of his works on a local sport magazine called “Sport Scaligero”, which had a paper and a web edition, introducing an aviation section dedicated to airshows and military exercices he had attended.
His activity increased year after year and as well as going to major airshows in Italy and Europe he could visit several Air Forces during ordinary activity, squadron exchanges or exercices (ELITE in Germany, TLP in Belgium, AXALP shooting range in Switzerland, etc).
His trips around Europe reached Russia in 2003 for the MAKS International Aviasalon but his most visited country till now has been UK with Farnborough International, the Royal International Air Tattoo and a lot of RAF bases.
From 2003 to 2004 he published his pictures in various aviation and photography websites and in 2005, together with some aviation friends, he created his aviation website “Aviation-Shots” with hi-quality pictures and videos. The birth fo aviation-shots meant also for him the transition to the new digital cameras and lenses which gave him new possibilities and results in aviation photography.
In spring 2007 he had its once in a lifetime opportunity: he embarked onboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and USS John C. Stennis in the Persian Gulf where he had a 3 days of (nearly) non stop picture shooting period. It was hard, but it was a dream came true!
Following that experience he managed to embark again in 2008 onboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and in 2011 onboard USS G.W. BUSH (CVN-77).
In the following years he reached other important results flying with assets from Italian Air Force, Italian Navy, and Italian Guardia di Finanza.
In 2023 he also embarked italian aircraft carrier CVH-550 Cavour during Mare Aperto Exercise.